Ribbon which reads: Home

All Vahn has ever known was the Floating World where magic is pliant and easy to control for magicians like him. To prove his worth, he's been sent to the World Below where the chaotic Wild Magic roams completely free to learn as much as he can. If he can prove a mastery over Wild Magic, he could one day become a High Magician.

All Hawke has ever known was being on his own and traveling the world in any way he saw fit. The only constant in his life is his lute and his honeyed voice which gets him out of (and sometimes into) trouble. When not strumming songs for coin, he follows where the wind beckons him and never stays in one place for long.

When the two accidentally help each other escape turmoil, the only choice is to travel together to keep themselves out of further trouble. With a naive magician oblivious to the world and an exasperated bard who likes to stay on the move, how much more trouble can they find? Probably a lot.


Arc 5 Finished!

Episode 6 finishes off Arc 5! I hope you enjoyed the adventures! That wraps up Book 1, too! I've been really busy, so a physical copy might be way farther down the line, but I hope when I'm able to have the mental capacity for it, you'll be interested! Thank you again for reading. New updates eventually! Consider signing up for the newsletter to stay on top of it!

Arc 5 - The Bespelled Library Begins!

Arc 5 - The Bespelled Library officially begins today and will be updated every Monday until all the episodes are up! There's six in total, so I hope you're ready for more adventures!

Arc 4 & Halloween Special Uploaded!

Uploaded all the episodes for Arc 4! and also uploaded the Halloween special, Of Rituals & Ghosts. That'll be it until the new year! But do not worry, I will be hard at work on the next arc! I'm very excited.

Arc 3 - The Wild King Uploaded!

Uploaded all the episodes for Arc 3! Not much else to say except have a happy holiday!

Arc 2 - The Spell Sealing Bandit Uploaded!

Uploaded all the episodes for Arc 2! I'm also hard at work on the brand new Arc 5 in the background, too! Very exciting.

Arc 1 - The Illusionist's Spell Fin!

Finished uploading the chapters for the first arc! Thank goodness epubs are HTML so that helps cut down on how long it takes to HTML-ify...

A few adjustments & Arc 1 Episode III!

Adjusted a few things (Table of Contents is now Archive since it's shorter and snappier) and I have uploaded Arc 1's Episode III!

Site is ALIVE!

Fixed some little issues I had with help from a friend & first episode is posted as a test! I think everything looks lovely.

Episode & Cast Pages!

Episode and Cast pages are up! Cast is finished, episodes still need you know, the episodes. Soon!!

The Magician & The Bard Returns!

I created this site! Hoping to have an episode up by this weekend. Thank you for visiting!


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